Anna Gibson // New York City, NY
What are crosswalks in the Flatiron District made for, if not to stop traffic? Perhaps that’s the job of the red light, and the crosswalk is more appropriately designed to safely walk across; a ballerina doing the splits will do just fine in a moment’s notice.
Anna is actually a native of San Antonio, and I made the connection with her via meteorologist Siobhain Anders, whom I photographed for San Antonio Woman Magazine. Like a proud father, I show off my ballet project to anyone who might listen, and Siobhain jumped with excitement, suggesting that I connect with the daughter of her good friend next time that I’m in NYC. Coincidentally, of course, that next trip just happened to be “next week”.
I’ll always be appreciative of ballerinas who are willing to try my crazy ideas, even if it does require cars wait a few extra seconds for their red-turned-green lights.
October 22, 2018