Estela Coll // Barcelona, Spain
Unlike last week's blog post, this additional photo subject was truly candid and happened naturally. In retrospect, I wish I could have approached the old lady passing by and asked her to remove her mask and pass by a second time for the photo. But, in hindsight, I realize that she might not have been comfortable with the idea. I prefer the maskless look to avoid time-stamping the image to a specific time period. Often people compliment (or complain) that my photos look like they're from a different era, and I attribute that to the Hasselblad lens rendition and black and white film. Without the mask, which symbolizes a dark period in history, this photo could possibly pass for one made in the late '70s or early '90s.
When I suggested that Estela climb into the tiny alcove, she hesitated for a moment, but then immediately climbed up. I explained my idea of "anonymous ballerinas", and she loved it. Out of the two distinct frames I made, the one with the passing lady became my favorite.
Afterward, we celebrated with some turron and "orxata de xufla," also known as horchata de chufa, two of my favorite treats in the world.
May 13, 2022