Grace Morton // Austin, TX

It's the name for a girl
It's also a Thought that
Changed the world
Because Grace makes beauty
Out of ugly things
Grace finds beauty
In everything


Shooting with a wast-level viewfinder has pros and cons, though I feel the pros far outweigh the cons. Being able to see a large-inverted image is so beautiful: there is nothing else like it, photographically speaking. Not having to pack a heavy prism to invert the inverted image also helps, too. But one (big) downside is that the camera is meant to be a held at the waist-level. When the camera is positioned about 4 feet (1.2192 meters) off the ground, instead of at my eye level, what you see is dramatically different. To compensate, I will turn the camera onto its side, and hold the camera at eye level, to produce a similar vantage point; but doing so creates extra headaches, as composing an already-backwards image in the air is not easy.

As of the writing of this blog, October 2021, I now use a tripod for virtually all my shots. Although it lengthens the shooting process, I find that it helps with my composition to slow down. A by-product of slowing down is that I have a focus-success rate of close to 99.9% now.

One could almost say that it would be helpful to have an extra set of eyes in the sky…

July 3, 2020

July 3, 2020


Morgan Buchanan // Denver, CO


Elle Macy // Seattle, WA