Heather Nichols // Washington, D.C.

It’s always the hottest or coldest of days that tend to stick out the loudest in my memory. Unfortunately for me, my trip to D.C. lined up perfectly with one of the hottest days of the last decade. Even at 7am, the sweltering heat and humidity made this shoot the stickiest of the entire project. My affinity for an all-black wardrobe didn’t help my case much, either. Heather’s perfectionism paid off, though, making the trip worthwhile. Since ballet is anatomically very awkward for most people, it is almost impossible for most dancers to have perfect lines; but not Heather. Her perfect lines made this trip 100% worthy.

Side note: after the shoot, I got to visit the single greatest breakfast buffet that I’ve ever been to in my life, Farmers Fishers Bakers, in Georgetown.

July 20, 2019

July 20, 2019


Rosa Hernandez Castillo // Liberia, Costa Rica


Marisol Lopez Prieto // Buenos Aires, Argentina