Marisol Lopez Prieto // Buenos Aires, Argentina

Marisol is the reason this project exists. She is the ballerina I photographed that made me want to start photographing ballerinas, try to capture a little of the perfectionism that they put into their art. A nice identifier that my ballet photography had improved is that during our first shoot (March 2018), we would have to photograph the same image on digital (as proof) 25-30 times before we would translate to film; during our second shoot (June 2019), we would only proof 1-2 times before we shot on film. 

Buenos Aires on the Sunday morning of our first shoot was completely quiet and empty. In my personal opinion, everything about this image is perfect - placement of the foot within the shadows, the green light, her body’s shadow within the strip of sun light. I immediately fell in love with ballet photography after this session, and it has everything to do with Marisol. She encouraged me to pursue this as a long-term project. Without her suggestion, I almost certainly wouldn’t be traveling the world photographing ballerinas in a long-term project. 

March 4, 2018

March 4, 2018


Heather Nichols // Washington, D.C.


Antonia Garcia // Medellin, Colombia