Lily Janneck // Dallas, TX
Lily doesn’t know this yet, but I actually reached out to her back in April of 2021, as I was planning a trip out to Maui where she was living at the time. Lily is in high demand as a ballerina, constantly being sought out by photographers around the world to be photographed. As such, my Instagram DMs fell onto deaf ears, sent to die in the Requests/Hidden Requests folder. No blame on Lily, as it’s difficult enough to manage the rigors of a busy dance schedule, let alone the constant bombardment from social media that demand our attention.
Lo and behold, come October 2021, Lily started following me, and I my stomach did a little somersault. Lily Janneck was following me and liking my images, imagine my surprise. So I did what any reasonable person would do, went back and deleted my previously sent messages to pretend I never sent them, and reached back out once more. Sure enough, this time Lily was 100% game and up to a shoot. There was only one stipulation, and it was that we needed to rent a studio. When I reached out to her, it was approximately 40° (4.4°C), and not ideal weather to frolic outdoors for a shoot. After a little internal hesitation, I snapped out of it and agreed to a studio shoot.
Less than a month later, in November, it was a beautiful 69° degrees (20.5°C), and sunny - the perfect weather for an outdoor shoot - but we had a plan, and we stuck to it. I brought along my custom David Teran Background ™ that I had painted for my commercial photography, and that was the perfect backdrop to feature Lily and her Suffolk’s.
November 22, 2021