Juliet Prine // Seattle, WA
There’s something immensely peaceful about this image, for me. Made during my aforementioned tumultuous sugar high trip to Seattle, this image is a strong juxtaposition of how I was feeling. Juliet doesn’t know this yet, but because of the sugar high I was experiencing, and being in a state of mind that I was unfamiliar with, I begged Sarah (my sugar high handler and dear friend) to cancel the shoot with Juliet as she was parking to walk to our shoot; not the ideal time to get cold, anxious feet, David.
Thankfully Sarah talked some sense to me, promised me I could take a nap afterwards if I just behaved, and got me to settle down. Juliet arrived, and instantly I went into photo-mode, almost completely unconscientious of my surroundings. Thanks to my photo preparation before every shoot, done weeks and days in advance, I knew exactly what ideas I wanted to do with Juliet, it was just solely a matter of finding appropriate locations.
Later, Sarah would tell me that Juliet complimented our team-work, noting it was one of the easiest, most-laid back photoshoots she’s been a part of. This was due, once again, to Sarah’s managerial handling of the situation, and my… sugar-high-produced-quiet-shyness.
Looking backwards on this image, I am reminded of a feeling I didn’t quite experience then, but a peace that radiates from Juliet’s simplistic pose. Despite the rollercoaster of a trip, peace prevailed.
December 9, 2020