Mackenzie Richter // San Antonio, TX

What does laundry day look like for a ballerina? For sure, pointe shoes can’t be washed. As expensive as they are, they’re usually one-and-done, oftentimes tossed out after a major performance; not to mention, pointe shoes crumble under water. No, they can’t be washed. But leotards and tutus can be! 

In this fictional experiment, Houston ballerina Mackenzie Richter plays the role of ballerina hanging her outfits to dry on her clothesline after an arduous display of grace and athleticism. Silhouettes aren’t something I’ve played with much in this ongoing project, but the sun played a key role in backlighting Mackenzie’s laundromat. 

June 21, 2021


Kayla Fessler // San Antonio, TX


Rachel Smith // Omaha, NE