Rachel Smith // Omaha, NE

Technically speak, addressing the ballet, this image is perfect. Second position, on pointe, though it looks quite simple, don’t be fooled; it takes ballerinas years of arduous training to get to a point - pun intended - where they can stand on pointe. Rachel executed to perfection, showcasing her training and impressive definition. We found this ledge in a back alley, and I thought it a perfect location to use as a backdrop. For some reason I enjoy placing delicate, dainty (ha!) ballerinas in front of dingy and dirty backgrounds - their beauty stands out exceptionally. 

Technically speaking, photographically-speaking, this image drives me crazy. When I first pulled the negative out of the wash, I was confused at what was occurring. To this day, it’s difficult to look at the image and not wonder what’s happening. The light, though quite beautiful, makes zero sense. Looking at the image, the right side of Rachel’s face has a shadow that appears to be a double exposure, but cuts only her face in half. The rest of her torso is unaffected by this shadow, and then the mysterious shadow reappears on her thighs, further accentuating her muscular physique. Under a loupe, it’s obvious that no random, double exposure occurred - still, I studied this image for a good amount of time before taking a deep breath, realizing nothing out of the ordinary occurred. 

Though this establishment claims to have the protecting power of ADT, I think they might be better suited to call Rachel when in time of need… 

September 21, 2020


Mackenzie Richter // San Antonio, TX


Brenna Mulligan // San Antonio, TX