Mara Driscoll // New York City, NY

It’s a testament to the dancer’s love for their craft that they are willing to meet with a random photographer who reached out to them via social media, and be willing to shoot in 33°F (.5°C) weather in a tutu with bare legs. I don’t particularly think that I’m a cruel person but perhaps my insistence on a tutu with bare legs might say otherwise. Still, Mara was a champion, continually seeking that perfect frame, despite the cold. Relentlessly checking the digital Polaroid proofs, seeking ways to improve her lines. This is why I enjoy this project so much. That constant pursuit of perfection. Perfection may not be attainable, but if you chase it, you might find excellence. 

October 22, 2018

October 22, 2018


Lucia Rios // Paris, France


Kiely Groenewegen // New York City, NY