Taylor Flood // New York City, NY
39° Fahrenheit (3.8° Celsius) - “Honey, I feel so cold watching you prance about with your legs out! Here, I bought you both hot chocolate to stay warm!” After that pleasantly warm exchange, we came up to this Italian restaurant with the word Meatball on the outside wall. “What, is this supposed to be a joke? You know I’m a vegetarian, right?” This double exposure - accidental - occurred because my A12 back failed to advance to the next portion of film. Instead of re-cocking the shutter and advancing the film, every 7-8 frames, the magazine would not advance the film. This essentially guaranteed a double-exposure unless you inserted the dark-slide, removed the magazine back, dry-fired the camera, replaced the back, and attempted to wind the camera once again. Sometimes you had to repeat this process twice. Unbeknownst to me, this signaled the beginning of a malfunctioning magazine back. Still, this frame proved to be a cool, happy accident, made in the back of a camera that has accidental, double-exposure precautions and safeguards built in.
November 3, 2019